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Old 09-27-05, 04:02 AM   #29
Posts: 2,653

Voted For: Mystic Chaos

cool battle kinda

Mystic - you came with consistent personals on every bar. the verse for the most part was structured well. your opener really hit him good. better than past verses that i've seen from you. you have elevated a lot.

This hoe surrounds me with shit, I can’t find my way back..
I cud be ‘lost between ur accounts’, I’d still ‘find them all wack’..

that was my favorite bar. overall your verse was an 8/10

NK - Umm after you talkin a lot of garbage all over the place, I thought you would be a little better than this. This was horrible.Not any good punches. your opener was pretty good personal but it went downhill from there. The Taz was a good try but that aint him, so it didnt work. my favorite line was your opener. you needed more punches and personals. overall 6/10

Mystic Wins

Crew vote removed