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Old 09-28-05, 02:52 AM   #2
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

We get inside and call Ox and get shit coordinated. We end up meeting with the guy and it was like a family reunion. Ox was all ‘fresh’ lookin with a new cut, new gear, everything! Luckily, we all got the memo that black T’s were in order with Blue jeans and 3/4 shorts as the company dress code. Even without realizing it we all coordinated. What’s fuckin with that? We met up with the last piece of the pie, Killer Khi, a.k.a. Khi Cobain lounging in his mellow-as-molasses-Smokey-The-Bear style in his 929 with one of his instrumental CD’s playing back-up. This was a shock to us since as far as we knew, Khi wasn’t going since he couldn’t get a ticket, but we later found out that Khi was snuck in on some “carried a crate of records on his shoulder” type shit, so I guess Ox and Khi had an equally as exciting story to tell. This was good and bad. Good he was with us, bad that he couldn’t get into the stadium it self. Only the ginormous parking lots – Not something Ox was too pissed about since that’s where all the action was. I cant’ blame him.

But lemme put you on to something about this guy Ox, man. This nigga is good for surprises man. Like when he got his last mixtape hosted by styles P, no one knew till about an hour before it came out, and by “no one”, I mean, us, the niggas he rhymes with on a daily basis. He’s always got some goodies that he was holdin out on, and today, in true Ox fashion, he busted out another one. Ox ripped some verses while we were rolling the blunt that I had to get creative with to sneak past security (picture below). J had the weed to fill said blunt stashed in a similar arrangement and he rolled it to the music:

Doomsday’s Meat Packing District.

That music, an improv version to the lead track of the session, and a ‘surprise’) was delivered by Ox by leaning into the car’s passenger side window where J sat and sounded a lil something like this:

Ox fuckin killed it man. Period. The dude’s a monster and proved it yet again. We now knew what the set was like and were behind him 101%. But it wasn’t over yet. He followed that track up with the Not me, J, or Khi had heard before. The beat was made my Khi and uses a Jaws sample. According to Ox “This is the track that nobody’s heard. Not even me!”. And not even you, but that’ll change when you click the link below.

After this, we flopped our way outta Khi’s Car and tucked the Newly rolled L in the GV tube in J’s pocket. At that time I knew that we had ot take care of something before the day went on. See, we had planned on doing our handshake for about 3 weeks now, but never found a time when all four of us were together. Now was definitely that time and when I suggested it, everybody looked at me and said “awww..yeahhh, perfect timing son!” almost in unison. Right there on the spot we infused ourselves with what would be "The Rush" handshake. After basking in the glow, made our way to the stage while assessing who was there and what the arrangement was.

“We’re gonna let these guys Body themselves”

We shot over to the stage and got our Alien Jizz green bracelets that cleared us to get on the stage and watched the first two acts from behind the scenes. The first dude up was a singer and had a heavy-set killer-khi lookin singer/femcee with him. We knew they were gonna be sacrifical lambs cuz their set had NO energy. None. Wait….ok yeah. Now I’m sure. It DEFINITELY had no energy! They knew the song and shit, but no one was really feelin it like that. So as we’re chillin backstage peepin out at the crowd and shit ox looks over at me and leans in and says “We’re gonna let these guys body themselves and just come through and take this whole shit”. We almost died laughin and knew that’s exactly what had to be done. So, that’s exactly what we did…

They wouldn’t let any recording gear anywhere on or near the stage while performances were going on so we were pretty much stripped down to nothing but our wallets and the mics, which I can respect. Niggas pay hard earned money to get all of us there that day to do the damn thing and didn’t want dup’s of the shit floating around for free. I definitely ain’t mad at that. The stage was like about 10ft by 5ft and elevated about 2.5’ above ground level with a semi-circle of space being the only thing between us and countless enthusiastic and curious on-lookers. Four 6’2”+ niggas ranging anywhere from 220 lbs (Ox) to 330lbs (Khi) were definitely NOT fuckin with that 1-man stage so we brought the show to the people. Right there in front of everyone, we hit the floor and made it happen live and un-cut right in the crowd. Ox got it crackin with” “This is J. Bridge ladies. He’s single. This is Khi Cobain ladies, and he’s single too! This is Doomsday, aka Apexx, and he’s single for the grown and sexy out there. And I’m Ox. And dependin on how you look...I’m single too..” and that’s all it took to get the crowd down with us. We started off doing “Toma” which burned the place the hell DOWN to get it crackin. There were 4 of us with 3 mics, 2 of em some Hitachi cordless units and an SM57. The mics SUCKED cept for the SM57 they had on lead which was prone to feed back like a muhfucka anywhere within 5 feet of the speakers and had some clip diffuser that made it sound like we were editing the tracks for the radio, just live. What a cockblocker! We adapted real fast to these slight obstacles and straight up killed it!! Our stage presence was plain and simply too sick. Niggas just couldn’t resist it man, the shit had people hoppin all over the place. We were pure energy in the form of music, slim chances, and black T’s. By the time Ox did the track “Why you wanna do me like that” over the Jaws sample Khi flipped it was beyond over. The jaws track had old ladies breakin pelvises, dudes dancing, ladies jumpin around, jiggling like WOAH, fuckin…The event organizer smiling his kool-aide smile from ear as he was prolly counting the stacks in his head!

The set was a hit! We handed out ALL our CD’s in the crowd (A solid 50 or so on hand) and got/gave pfftt. I couldn’t’ even tell you how many numbers. That in it self made it all worth it and we were proud of ourselves for making this happen aside form aaaaaaalllll the bullshit that came oozin our way. Our job here was done and we were free to enjoy our meal-in-the-deal burgers and dogs and take a load off as we bask in the glow. Or so we thought. Turned out, numerous sets of eyes had a much different idea for how we’d end that night. Including the organizer, who wanted us to come back AFTER the game was over and do more tracks! But…right about now was our time. Our time for the ones who seemed to want our time the most.

I Turn Rappers into Legends
Welcome to the Business world.
^Make no mistake about it, the boy is a fuckin BEAST^

The Rush Ent.

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