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Old 09-28-05, 02:56 AM   #4
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Good seats no doubt, but even in the picture you can see better ones. So, we do what we usually do when we see something we like – we steal it! I dunno who, but somebody got got for their ill-ass seats numerous times over till we were damn near ON the bench next to the players:

Luckily..this also sat us very very close to the Losing Attrociously (44-7) Morgan State cheering squad. We found out the hard way that we just missed the 1/2 time show by about 2-3 minutes – the same half-time show that about 30-40% of the stadium’s attendance exited directly after in confidence that Hampton obliterated Morgan state. They were right. But it didn’t even phase us at that point. My mind was somewhere between the horrible blow-out unfolding right before my eyes and the cheer squads – actually 2 of them. One RIGHT BEHIND US about 20 feet over my right shoulder and the other on the field. The thought of Morgan State’s public humiliation against Hampton did little to keep the wood down. Just thinking about em again, I gotta go take a cold shower. Here’s some quick clips of one of many of Morgan’s amazing battle songs. Morgan had better songs as a whole, but Hampton had a better band with a less impressive song collection – though honestly, either on any other day taken separately would have floored me. Something about this college big bands adds a depth that you just can’t get out of canned music.

The cheerleaders for Morgan state = goddesses in training. Period. Me and one of the cheerleaders (The light-skinned one in the stands with the arrow pointint to her in the pic below) were peepin each other and makin goo-goo eyes for DUMB long which eventually led up to unadulterated eye-fucking each other for pfttttt.. gotta be at least 30-50 times within a 20 min span which distracted me for about 2/3rds of the 3rd quarder and nearly all of the fourth. Actually, you can still see some of it happening even in the pic. Look at where everyone else in her squad and the people in the stands are looking (at the camera man they’re trying to impress) and look at where she’s looking. Even J flipped his lid after he turned around and saw her. I really wanted to get at her, but the damn security out that mofo was like Bucking-clam Palace and they definitely wouldn’t be trying to hear me coming up in like the last 5 mins of the game in a black tee that says “You can call me the snow man”. I guess Erika Badu said it best: “I guess I’ll see you next lifetime”.

Same cheerleaders doing a slightly more umm…”entertaining” number as the game wound down.

The Re-Up

The game was over with a final score of 44-14 Hamilton with a TD that we still didn’t see land, by the way, and it was time for J and I to skate back to the stage. We funble around the massive complex in the general miss-direction of the stage for about 15 mins till we finally find it. Ox and Khi see us coming In and tell us that we just missed the second session that the organizer had actually started about 15 minutes EARLY. We weren’t pissed actually. Prolly too high to be pissed, but we were definitely happy that Ox and Khi got more performance time. Also, Khi pulled out his Oompaloompa track which was perfect for the Rush artists on hand since it was just Ox and Khi. All accounts of the spectators was that the song was insane. This is a beat Khi made like a year ago that he’s been sitting on. It got bids from some sub-mainstream artists but Khi decided to keep it to himself which is smart, because it really made his act stand out in these people’s minds. Ox did an encore performance of “Toma”. Both original song’s files are found below. We also discovered that They were recorded on a DVD along the lines of Smack and so on that is supposed to be coming out next week. That part got us a little steamed, haha.


“You guys are cheap.”

We poli’d with Kool G Rap’s manager, who we had spoken to briefly earlier before the show started, for a good 15-20 mins. Said we’re the type of group he’s looking for since we’re “cheap”. She had to chuckle and catch her self for a min then explained what that means to her camp. Long story short, we do professional work, for much less than professional prices. That = good. Very good. She seemed real amped and ended up with at LEAST 2 copies of ox’s and mine’s CD’s each and said she’s def gonna tell G-Rap about us and listen to that well endowed “101% & Winter ‘05 Sampler” tonight! We like the sounds of that. Add another connex to book fam. Ya boys did it again!! Maybe this’ll be the one that rolls into a deal, but who knows. Things a lot like this happen to us on average once a month (I remember the Mobb Deep episode, the .40 Cal episode, the TI’s manager Episode, Buddens, etc) and we’re very grateful for it. Fortunately, we’re at the point now where we just seem to stumble into connex to mainstreamers. Actually, I had a brief convo with Black Rob’s street team and handed them a couple CD’s. Good thing we keep our numbers in the cases and on the CD’s

The Ree-Box of CD’s I had left on the DJ’s Sub had been moved into the DJ’s bag, and when I retrieved it, about 35% of the CD’s that were in it were missing. Was I mad? HELL NO!! That means someone somewhere was either giving em out, or stole em. Both are good signs. Ox had about 5 in his hand with some of his as well, but he didin’t carry any others with him than those. Definitely not a problem.

I Turn Rappers into Legends
Welcome to the Business world.
^Make no mistake about it, the boy is a fuckin BEAST^

The Rush Ent.

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