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Old 09-30-05, 08:41 AM   #69
Coming to Kill you All
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Originally Posted by leady
dude... 2 of your claims, the wording is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay to different to be even concidered a re-wording of a line

there is only one line thats remotely close to any of them and even thats worded different and could easily be coincidence.

first you try cheat in the awards, now you try this to get a default win in a battle you will loose... go figure son

waaaaaaaaaaaaaay different?

Am I talking to a wall here?

First off,no,it is not worded way different.It is worded slightly.
That is not re-wording.

& most of RV dont get your shit...the others just dont care

..Half the crowd don’t get ur shit.. other half don’t care..

Maybe I have one weak bar a verse, but this time my luck aint shut
But Natural Killa.....Shite...I already gone and fucked it up

I say one wack thing a verse,.. But I feel like luck struck..
..ESPIONAGE,.. Gawd damnit I already fucked up..

Yeah dough has GREAT concepts.. But I know what ya goin to ask
Has he used em’ before? Nope.. But the guys he stole em’ from has

Killa aint got dope concepts,but the lad he steels em from does
And he could be a surgeon with his heart in hand...and still feel no love

U tellin me...that just changing "half the crowd" to "most of RV" a form of re-wording?'s not.It's the SAME FUCKING PUNCHLINE.
And the 2nd bar I posted up there is the exact same.
The 3rd...the most different one from the rest.But It is still a similarity.No matter wat.
It's not waaaaaaaay different.Stop trying so fucking hard to defend the dude.He bit...and u know it.
I never knew we were allowed to steal concepts and change ONE word in it....and then it's not concidered biting?

And once IS NOT coincidence that he has 3 bars that have similarities to one guy....ALL in the same verse.
if you think that is coincidence....then you are an asshole.

Plus...Me trying to win by default?
Tell me what's more pussy....biting lines to win a battle?...OR....getting some biter DQ'd?
And as for that last part....the awards are a joke.It doesn't matter to anyone that I cheated there.
And if it matters to you...then you are a YOU go figure son.
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