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Old 10-01-05, 09:32 AM   #3
technique's Avatar
Posts: 1,018
From: none of ur biz uk

I got this Fag in a body bag natural is so mad
cuz he ain't black he's a fuckin iraqie from bagdad
your a poor skinny bitch walking around in rags
with no girl friend but just them old porno mags
the bitch got a desease he just can't take beef
so I should cut off his air supply so he can't breath
i think you need 2 get urself checked up for aids
cuz you were picked on ever since you started 1st grade
your skills show ur retarded and you ain't got talent
and if anyone tells you that im'a still keep telling you ya haven't!
So do urself a favour write some wack shit on paper
You don't belong here get back 2 ur job as a waiter