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Old 10-04-05, 10:23 PM   #139
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by -Indeph-
LMFAO all you do is say "what the fuck are you even talking about" 1 million times. You sure showed me yo.

Originally Posted by Mimesis
If you watch last season.. the "villain" was white.

Nehemiah.. on this season's Real World cast.. is not a fucking "villain." What the fuck are you even talking about? He's a pretty peaceful guy (aside of the fight he almost got in.. but it wasn't like that made him a villain.).. he helped Danny get his photo shit done and he's just another dude on the show. He made Rachel cry.. but I was laughing my ass off at that because MTV even made it a point when they had Danny and Nehemiah talking about how bad she overeacted to the situation. He isn't a villain.

About the newspaper.. look at it again there, dumbass. IT WAS FROM TWO DIFFERENT NEWSPAPERS. Unless you want to research each newspaper to see if they used the same words to describe what people were doing.. then that point is irrevelant.

What the fuck are you even talking about? When I did say you need to sit the fuck down and let me overrun your race and put you back into a second-class citizen status? You're just making shit up now and it's fucking retarded.

Out of everything I posted.. you comment how I repeated myself one time.

You are bringing NOTHING to this arguement anymore.

Just leave the fucking thread, for real.
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