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Old 10-05-05, 11:26 AM   #5
Coming to Kill you All
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Posts: 7,424

Originally Posted by Whys That?
battle's are a complete fucking mess, and strobes at fault.

Votes are hard to come by in FL,and strobe is simple removing votes whenever a kid clicks his finger.

But I aint going to sit here blaiming him and only him, you cunts need to raise up and if you get a vote against you,accept it. Fuck, its only a vote on a freindly elevation net site.
A battle is hard enough to get closed, then pathetic herbs who think there record means somthing go and get votes D/Q'd.

Strobe needs to re-check what he is d/qing, as a guy who doesnt know rap,hip hop and what the voting means. How can he be in a position to D/Q and remove votes,just on what certain kids have pm'd him and/or complained in complaints thread.

Strobe,chill on the D/Q, it only cause's battles to remain open for that much longer and/or the wrong person winning,cause hes willing to sit around daily watching the battle,and complaining about votes he's getting against him then bitches to get votes removed and win's.

Everyone who uses FL,check yourself

So...let's say you spend hours working hard on a verse.

And some bitch decides to come in and skim through the shit 'n drop some bogus vote leaving little,if not,ANY feedback.........then I'm 'sposed to sit there and take it?


Originally Posted by Whys That?
Fuck, its only a vote on a freindly elevation net site.

^ooh really?..Then why is it that you just made a whole thread,4 paragraphs long...complaining about it?

If it's only a "vote on a friendly elevation site" you say...then you wouldnt' give a fuck about it,right?....but STILL, u made this thread?...soooooooooo

you have just made yourself look like an ass.

Shit...I ain't gon lie...I get mad when people remove my votes...but the most I'd do is tell that person it's a bitch move in the battle thread and end it.I don't go crying about wit 4 paragraphs in lyrisist lounge thinking it'd make a difference.
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