Thread: Xbox 360 vs PS3
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Old 10-06-05, 12:13 PM   #43
King Solo
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XBOX 360 will own PS3

its simple really, Microsoft has more power behind them, the Xbox was a lot more powerful than the PS2 was, and thus the games that were made could hold more. the same thing will apply with the next generation, xbox will have more power and their games will look more realistic and be more in-depth.

Multi-Console Games will sell better on the XBOX because the fact is they look visually better, for new gamers it may be unnoticeable, but for those who've been gaming their whole life almost it shows up, games run smoother on xbox and look better, also with a lot of them the xbox tends to include extras that other consoles dont have, reason for that is they can hold more without losing the visual/sound/gameplay quality.

and as for games that will be for one console only, xbox again will win because they can make games more realistic and a lot more in depth and more fun to play.

look at Halo and Halo 2.......they own the fuck out of any FPS game that PS2 has...
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