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Old 10-09-05, 05:55 PM   #7
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,124

Voted For: Chief

chief- really feelin the jadakiss text, but not the other text
if the subtext was better, this wud be a very believable real promo poster. i dont like how the album cover was put on there either, if i was makin this i wudnt hav included it, but u shudve at least put a border on it. imo, it wudve been better witout the album cover, n wit the ruff ryders text bein changed to "kiss of death." overall good job tho, 8.5/10

youngandreckless- i like the concept, but i dont like the way u did it. i kno that u had to make it the right size, but u shudve made everythin fit, otherwise it isnt at all believable (no1 wud advertise 3/4 of a cd only) it also means that u got to a certain point, found out that everythin wudnt fit, and were 2 lazy 2 go back n fix it. u had 3 days to drop this, so u shudve just gone back and taken the extra time to make it look better. the only other thing that i wasnt feelin was the pics. wit the exception of a few, they really didnt fit in wit the song they were advertisin. there also cud've been better borders between the song frames
not bad tho, 6.5/10


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