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Old 10-10-05, 12:03 AM   #1
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO
Everybody Sign Up For The Punchline League


The league is at its prime right now, and is on the verge of getting a new way to be ran which will be SUPREMELY fucking awesome, but I need everybody in this forum to sign up.

It's an elevation league.. there are some people considered good, but there are already people from Front Lines battling in there. You will get better if you sign up and don't no show like a fag head.

But please, sign up for the league and don't no show. Right now it's the largest and most successful league that this site has ever seen. It can be made even doper if some more of you sign up.

EVERYBODY will get a battle if you sign up.. nobody will be denied because of record, lack of posts, etc. If more of you show up next week it will be ran differently (WAY BETTER), so you can only expect good things.

If you're worried about facing people way better then you, DON'T. You may have to for your first battle or so, but then you'll be battling people that have the same record as you, or close to it.. and as you win you move the rankings, etc.

JUST SIGN UP. IF YOU WANT TO GET BETTER AT THIS SHIT, YOU WILL SIGN UP. If you think you need help, then get at me on AIM and I can try my best to help you.

AIM - HeyKalashkinov

I look forward to seeing you motherfuckers there.
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