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Old 10-13-05, 02:34 AM   #22
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From: sacramento

Originally Posted by K.S.
Voted For: Status

wow, this battle was weak.....

status, i can see that you rushed ure verse cuz it was weak and i've seen you drop hella dope. the opener was on a played concept and had a weak delivery, the middle bar was not the best nameplay, but the 2nd line made the punch quite gud, the closer was too basic and simplistic for me, lacked ure kinda usual creativity.

shodown, ure verse was weak, the flow was cool and you had a few multies going for you, but i can't see where any real punches came into the battle, that kojak thing you used at the end was wack, u cud've used it along with suckin lollipops for a concept and get a decent punch, all ure bars had weak delivery, the only plus was the multies which i think u may have focused too much on.

V/ - Status.......better verse.

....but Status, u need to try and get back to the flow you used to have, back to the times when you cud merk sumbody with an invisible verse, you know what i'm talking about that was dope, lol.

plz...plz...plz...RTF on my NK battle, link is in the siggy, it is a fair length, but well worth the read. problem is it is getting mad slept on.

yp i could still rip hard but honestly those where all prewritten....not sure if thats bad but most of my verses back then where prewritten well not really prewrtitten i just took my time now i just record a freestyle and take the best lines funny shit but yo i remeber those do you know about that?
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