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Old 10-13-05, 10:52 PM   #1
King Solo
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Posts: 17,012
Bringin' It Back & Takin' It Further



And yes, these kind of threads get created a lot, but majority of you muthafuckaz don't listen or try and help to make RV better, so they keep getting made until you death ass bitchez listen.

So...once again...we need to make RV better with shit like....

1. Voting needs to be better. The idea, with leaving the links when you "UP" your battle, or whatever it was (lol, i can't remember) was good. If that is implemented it could make voting better.

2. As Mimesis has been saying the most, people need to venture out to other sites and battle to, thus helping them elevate and then come back and be better. I'm not saying "LEAVE RV" but test out other sites as well as RV, so when you elevate, you bring your new skills here, and majority of battles on here won't be complete ass shit that nobody wants to read.

3. Muthafuckaz need to stop ho-showing in leagues and tournies. IMO the only decent league at the moment is PLL, only decent tourney is....well we'll see how the tag tourney goes. Problem is everybody is after a fuckin prize nowadays, lol...its the internet, try and just have fun and battle for the sake of battling (for fun and elevation) stop looking for free handouts fuckaz!!

4. And I stress this one highly, NO MORE FUCKIN GOD DAMN WACK ASS CREWS!!! The fact that a new crew gets made like every week or sum shit is gay, and half of them are full of herbs and become inactive within days. Also, no fuckin shit where sumbody is reppin like a million different crews. Or people coming up with retarded shit like "New Method's Groupies" hate NM, but them kind of crews aint necessary. And no shit where a bunch of dope people from other crews come together to make a new crew where they just chat. Do that shit on AIM or sumthin, make ureself a chat room and have at it.

5. Useless forums need to start doing shit regularly or be deleted. One springs to mind, "The Rapverse Blueprint" does anything actually happen in there ?? There are others, I ain't gonna mention more, I'll let you decide on what you think should go.

6. ALIASES. One that you use a lot, possibly a second that you use now and again I can accept. But when you come with a new one every 2 weeks, it is fuckin ridiculous. RV got like 12,000 + members...what kind of percentage of that do you think are aliases. It's fuckin ridiculous.

....that's all I can think of right now, no doubt other people have shit they want to say about things that cud make RV better....feel free to do so.

and those who don't like this thread, those who ignore this shit, those who don't wanna listen and help RV get better..........

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