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Old 10-18-05, 05:25 AM   #10
her one-man army
Posts: 32
From: 614 (Ohio)

Originally Posted by Mimesis
Voted For: Sin`cere


Your rhyme scheme is very basic throughout this whole thing. It's just one word rhyming (e.g. punch/lunch, crew/you). It just didn't flow that well. It's like, throughout this whole thing you were dissing Sin`cere which isn't necessarily the point of a topical. You had no imagery, because you more concentrating on making fun of him.. and the type of emotion that people like to read in a topical wasn't there. Overall, your verse just wasn't that good for a topical. Your storyline was weak and uncreatives, your rhyme scheme was boring, and there was no imagery or emotion to go along with it.


Your rhyme scheme is also basic (e.g. guy/cry, timber/limber), however it's almost like that worked for your story. Your storyline was pretty good.. pretty predictable, but you made it work for the most part. You had some imagery.. pretty good emotion.. just a pretty decent topical all together.


Konchance's verse wasn't that good at all to me. He focused more on dissing Sin`cere then putting together a good storyline. There was no imagery or emotion. Sin`cere on the other hand, put together a decent story line along with average imagery and some emotion. In conclusion, Sin`cere just had the better overall verse.

Vote - Sin`cere

Both of you should sign up for the Punchline League.. you'll elevate pretty fast there. It's a good opportunity for you to battle without messing up your record.

good lookin on the honest vote........ i asked if it was going to be MORE like a poetry battle, bcuz i usually do poetry or text..... when he said no, i thought it was just gonna be a battle with open field as the main theme.......
"i'm not deep, you're shallow..... rid of your women, money, power, greed, pride....... only then will you be truly free. i'm not asking you to walk on water....... just float with me."
" thinking i'm poor because i don't have any money, now that's rich."