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Old 10-18-05, 06:22 PM   #8
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Voted For: DaRk ReLiGiOn

Dark Religion, don't ever do this many lines ago. Nobody is going to want to vote on this battle because of how bad your structure is and how many lines you did. Your lines are stretched as fuck.

But, on to the breakdown.. Dark Religion, you had some decent concepts (talk/time differences, Ls/marijuna addicts), but you also had some very played concepts, like the pane/window one.. Your vocabulary annoyed the hell out of me. A lot of people on this site would say it was good, but you over did it, big time. Some of the shit you said nobody would ever use outside of text battling. But, overall, you had some wordplay (some of it was forced to shit), a few decent concepts, and a overally decent verse. Also, take out all the "'s and -'s from your verse.

Talk is Cheap, you only had one decent punch in my eyes(cheat/palmero). Everything else you had was either played, worded bad, or just didn't connect. You had a lot of statements, which, in a battle, you don't want to have. You need to work on your wording so that they'd be punches instead of the statements. You attempted wordplay a few times, but for the most part it was either played or didn't connect that well.

Overall, despite the huge ass amounts of lines dark religion did, he gets my vote. He had more decent concepts, better attempts at wordplay, and just an overall better verse.

Vote - DaRk ReLiGiOn

Both of you you should sign up for the Punchline League. It'll give you a chance to elevate without messing up your record. You should check it out.