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Old 10-19-05, 01:52 PM   #17
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

Originally Posted by Mimesis
Basketball is a bigger job then McDonalds. Let's get the comparisons going. A lawyer can't just take off his suit once the jury gives the decision. You have to keep that shit on, looking professional all the way out.. and you can't change into a suit when you get into court either. It's a job. Dress professionally.

right, well okay you said you couldnt compare mcdonalds to basketball for certain reasons....

well, you cant compare being a lawyer to being in the NBA either, lawyers make their money from being professional and that fits their profession, do lawyers wear jerseys and play a sport while they are ON their job? No, the way that basketball players make their money fits hip-hop culture and clothing, a white tee and jeans is appropriate... thats the image they have on and off the court, and thats the image the NBA uses to sell apparel
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