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Old 10-19-05, 01:55 PM   #20
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by I-NOC
right, well okay you said you couldnt compare mcdonalds to basketball for certain reasons....

well, you cant compare being a lawyer to being in the NBA either, lawyers make their money from being professional and that fits their profession, do lawyers wear jerseys and play a sport while they are ON their job? No, the way that basketball players make their money fits hip-hop culture and clothing, a white tee and jeans is appropriate... thats the image they have on and off the court, and thats the image the NBA uses to sell apparel

They make their money playing basketball. That doesn't fit the hip hop culture. Nobody fucking describes the hip hop culture with playing basketball. It's all about the clothing, and the NBA wants them to look professionally on their to and from the stadiums. It's not a big fucking deal.
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