Thread: Mad Dog vs E.C
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Old 10-22-05, 07:13 AM   #2
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From: sacramento

Voted For: Mad Dog

yo at first when i listened to EC i ws liek damn i cant understand you so i read the lyrics while i listened and i thought it was pretty good i thought he was gonna win untill i heard mad dog

mad dog first came odff wack then i read his lyrics and i could undertsnad him he had some good lines and the battle was a lil even untill the end and thats where he took it

EC, you had some dope lines, like that acuity line and a few others, some dope shit your flow wa smore clear and your qaulity was good and all that but you didnt dominate i like when someone takes control of the track it wa skind alike you where too soft and smooth for a battle you have to be hard and run the beat and own it, but you where too soft

mad dog, you was kinda wakc int he begining the personals is what got oyu ahead and then every time you stoped the beat and finished with a hard punch is what got you the upper hand

i also like how you used the award thing against him, i like your last bar, lOL thats hit as preety nice, good shit

LOL you would have beaten him if this was a text battle also

so vote = Mad dog in audio and mad dog in text, LOL
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