Thread: Just think..
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Old 10-23-05, 04:51 AM   #2
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by -Indeph-
Aight I was watchin a Dave Chappelle stand up on comedy central just now. He said something that really made me think. "Keepin it real isn't a term used alot around the white community". And that killed me cause its true. Now if you think about it, if you a black dude you either a sellout uncle tom, or a criminal. No joke. I think it was marv jay that said "rap will forever stay in the hood, burb niggas is pussy". I mean seriously, ghetto pride is cool, but when it gets to the point where success is frowned upon its sickening. Musically the term 'real nigga' is said alot. So what the fuck is a 'real nigga'? They use it on 2pac and young jeezy. I never once heard them refer to kweli as a real nigga. This is what hip hop has done to us. We've accepted our faults and even created an emotional barrier to even be a man. Bill Cosby told us the ugly truth and the white media made us look stupid and the black media made him a bad guy. STOP FUCKIN' USING SUCCESS AS A DISADVANTAGE. I saw spul's thread and people actually sayin' shit about him not being able to rap cause he rich. Listen successful people should be admired not hated. I'm no where near successful, but thats a GOAL. Stop accepting your low rank and strive to become better. That's all I got to say.. for now at least.

Interesting post... For starters, spul is rich cause his parents are succesful, not him. I just wanted to get that out of the way before I respond to the rest of the post...

What your talking about here actually relates directly to something I really stand for as a rap artist.. I feel its a big steriotype for rappers and fans of rap to take on the image of a criminal or gangsta. Personally I been involved in some pretty big time criminal shit in my life.. And one thing I want to teach people with my music and speech is that crime is NOT glamorous.. The exact image so many people who enjoy rap music aspire to these days is fundementally flawed. Its not cool to be a gangsta or criminal and people who do the shit do it because they have no other avenue to take. Thing is, these days thats pop culture and everyone wants a peice to try and live up to steriotypes of whats considered 'cool'.

I tell you straight up... The day I started rapping, was the day I stopped selling guns AND also the day my life started to get on track. People these days live WAY too much for the NOW as opposed to working towards creating a good legacy to leave after you enter the transition of death.

People that aspire to be criminals and gangstas have very weak outlooks on what life is actually about and to let this steriotype become the forefront of pop culture is why human beings are lacking in intelligence so much within earth's population that the superior few are able to control large masses of public stupidity with their ability to see through the bullshit they are fed by devices such as all forms of media and influencial large corperation giants.

Humans need a big change in the way we look at life. This will come through large scale war. And it will happen within our lifetimes.

Mark my words.
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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