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Old 10-23-05, 06:55 AM   #1
Middle Weight
theblob's Avatar
Posts: 593
~~~RV Rap Idol...Rnd II. VOTING THREAD~~~~~


This is a duplicate post to the official voting thread in the Rv Rap Idol forum. I'm simply posting this so members of RV can view the contestants' progress and give their input. You may drop "feed" and "vote", but they won't factor into which emcee actually gets cut this week. E.C. was eliminated this week. That means 1 other emcee will be sent packing after voting. Let the voting begin!

Voters, simply listen to all the contestants' tracks. Then, vote FOR the person you thought was the WEAKEST in this round of competition. After the voting polls close on Sunday night, the contestant with the most votes gets eliminated. If there are any ties, the drill sergeants decide who goes on probation/gets cut.
************************************************** ****
Voting Criteria:

Theme: Self-boasting track
Rules: Must have an intro
........Track can not be longer than 2 minutes, 30 seconds.
Task Focus: Delivery...contestants should be judged on content as well. However, delivery is the main focal point of this particular challenge.

Voting polls open: Through Monday, October 23, 2005 until 11:59 PM EST

************************************************** **********
Go here to listen to all of the tracks for this week's round. Be sure to keep note of whose track you're listening to. YOu may even want to jot down a few notes as you listen to each contestant.

**Please, feel free to give the emcees advice in this thread to aid them in their elevation. So, please give feedback and explain who you're voting for (as the weakest emcee) and why before you click the poll. Thank you.


Any contestant voted off becomes part of the VOTING COUNCIL for the next week's round of voting.
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