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Old 10-24-05, 01:58 AM   #5
King Solo
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Championship Match: 1. Apostrophe (4-0) vs. 2. Young Blaze (4-0)
This could be a real tight battle, it all comes down to who wants it more and who puts the most effort in. Both are capable of dropping real nice punches, but both have come not at their best. I’ve got Apostrophe taking this based on his overall performance so far, Young Blaze hasn’t really gotten into his stride yet.

Contendership Match: 3. Spektikul (4-0) vs. 4. Apotropaic (4-0)
Spektikul should take this with relative ease, Apo is one to watch but really he hasn’t brought anything real dope yet. He’s gotten wins from people just not doing their best, but he did beat The Rev last week so anything is possible. And we all know Spek is capable of coming wack, look when he battled Nick Fletcher.

5. Vaskez (3-0) vs. 6. Nick Fletcher (3-1)
Now this battle could go either way, both haven’t dropped at their full potential. Nick Fletcher has had harder opponents than Vaskez and beaten them so that may give him the edge. But the fact that he voted against Vaskez last week, and a little beef cropped up, that may inspire Vaskez to really prove a point this week.

7. 9th Degree (3-1) vs. 8. Mr. Key (3-1)
Well first off, it all depends on if Mr. Key shows. He can bring the heat, he has shown that already, but frankly I can’t see him beating 9th Degree. 9th Degree for me, despite not being #1 ranked is still the strongest competitor in this league at the moment. He just needs to drop at his full potential and he’ll be taking that title soon enough.

9. FuxJustAWord (3-1) vs. 10. The Revelation (3-1)
Fux has made a recent habit of not showing up due to the fact that he is never home on Friday. If he does drop, and he drops decent and not half-assed I can see him taking this battle. After last week The Rev needs to look towards getting into his groove and not trying to drop overly complex bars that confuse people.

11. DaTrusHurtz (2-0) vs. 12. Theory (2-0)
I haven’t really seen that much from Theory, he took down one of the best last week defeating shake-spear, but still……I can’t see him beating DTH. DTH has got quite a reputation for dropping nice, if he tries then he should take this battle relatively easy.

13. GreatnesS (2-0) vs. 14. Infinite1 (2-0)
A shock really that these two find themselves in the Top 16. From what I’ve seen from the two of them, I would predict GreatnesS to take the win, Infinite1 tends to focus more on statements than punches.

15. Natural Killa (2-1) vs. 16. Fraud (2-1)
An easy one to call, props to fraud for making it up here but for me he doesn’t have the skill level to defeat NK. But then the fact that NK seems to be constantly battling outside the PLL, he may start to get drained for punches, so look out for a possible upset here, it isn’t likely, but it could happen.


17. Hopesfall (1-0) vs. 18. PreZidict (1-0)
Overall, I haven’t seen anything really from Hopesfall. Last week he dropped a fairly creative bar that got him an easy win, but I don’t know if he can perform again. Prez has come good in battles before, outside of the PLL. I would say that Prez could take this, but Hopesfall is still in with a chance.

19. New Meth0d (1-0) vs. 20. KOOL COL-B (1-0)
This battle should be highly entertaining, if last week is something to go by. Both Kool and Method dropped extremely corny bars last week, but both came away with the win. If New Method drops on time, and gets some effort into his punch then he will take this battle with ease.

21. Kon.Tay.Juz (1-0) vs. 22. Crazy Hades (1-0)
Can Kon show up two weeks in a row? That is the big question, but really if he does show and drop he will take this battle no problem. Crazy Hades is a topical head and can only drop average, Kon is known to drop some fire when he tries.

23. Typical (2-1) vs. 24. MaRVJay1009 (1-1)
It’s a toss up. Typical can drop nice lines, he can drop real ass lines. And Marv, if he lays off all the “wannabe gangsta gun talk” he could murder a lot of people. His problem is his attitude and the fact that he can’t seem to shy away from the same concepts. To call a winner, I’d say Marv will just about edge this out. Typical for me is far too inconsistent.

25. Defined (1-1) vs. 26. E.C (2-2)
Both on a 0.500% record, both inconsistent in their battles. I would say based on my own personal opinions that E.C will take this battle. Lately he has dropped some decent lines in the Tag Tourney, if he can bring that same skill level in here he will go far.

27. Os1ris (2-2) vs. 28. Daubs (2-2)
Os1ris is too average of a hitter for me, he hasn’t really beaten anyone that good, and the one real decent head he faced, he lost to. Daubs is coming inconsistent in this league, he can drop real witty and comical lines, with nice wordplay but he just doesn’t seem to try at the moment, still he will take this battle.

29. -Cezar- (2-2) vs. 30. L.I. (2-2)
Both suffering demoralizing defeats last week, this battle could be close because both so far have dropped average stuff, I don’t think either one has hit their prime yet. I would still give this battle to L.I. because he has the experience advantage over Cezar, he has been battling a lot longer, and can bring the heat if he wants.

31. DoContinue (1-1) vs. 32. Shake-spear (1-1)
DoContinue seems to be falling off at the moment, at times he has dropped some real hot shit, but lately he comes half-assed or just complete ass. Shake-spear tried something that didn’t pay off last week, he should drop back to his usual style of witty, comedy lines and he will be back up top where he belongs.

33. PEI (1-1) vs. 34. Rah-Ta-Tat-Tat (1-2)
Rah-Ta-Tat-Tat is an average battler, I haven’t seen him do anything worth looking at yet, but I haven’t seen PEI battle, anyone could take this battle.

35. Drakel (0-0) vs. 36. Legend (0-0)
Don’t really know much about Legend, I will say that it will take something real nice to beat Drakel if he tries. Last season he dominated a lot of opponents with his witty lines, I look forward to seeing him produce some of the same this season.

37. Black Arts (0-0) vs. 38. Macca (0-0)
Neither one really looks to be any good, I don’t know whether they try in their battles or not, but they haven’t done anything that jumps out as of yet. I’ll say Black Arts will win, purely because I’ve seen better stuff from him than I have from Macca.

39. Lil C (0-0) vs. 40. Status (0-0)
If he shows, Status will take this battle all the way. Lil C is still elevating for me, Status is an old school veteran with more than 70 wins to his name on RV. He can be as creative as the best when he wants, he should walk this battle.

41. - Menace - (0-0) vs. 42. Slash (0-0)
Haven’t seen anything from either one, so I can’t make a prediction. I will definitely be looking out for this battle though.

43. Achilles (0-0) vs. 44. HollowMan™ (0-0)
Again, haven’t seen either of them in battle. Who will win? I don’t know.

45. NaRc-UzI (0-0) vs. 46. KillaCamFlow (0-0)
KillaCam has never come good for me, he has dropped average at best, but mostly I’ve seen weak stuff. Narc has had a few nice lines, but he is consistently dropping average bars and weak ones. Anyone could take this really, but if Narc puts some kind of effort in he should get the win.

47. Antonio Banderas (0-0) vs. 48. Ryda (0-0)
Again, haven’t seen either of them in battle. Who will win? I don’t know.

49. Buck.Marley (0-0) vs. 50. Cannabarz (0-0)
Again, haven’t seen either of them in battle. Who will win? I don’t know.

51. ThatNigga (0-0) vs. 52. Pictureperfect2 (1-2)
Well, lately picture has been dropping ass. He is capable of so much more and ThatNigga hasn’t really done anything on the whole site worth mentioning. If picture puts minimal effort into a punch I can see him winning, if he drops a bunch of BS like he has been, he could lose.

53. Satans Spawn (0-1) vs. 54. Icy-hot (0-1)
Don’t really know how to call this one. Satan can drop ok, sometimes quite clever punches. Icy-hot hasn’t really done anything decent, but so far he has just rushed his stuff at the last minute. It will be a battle to look out for, could be dope, could be a bunch of shit.

55. Oreo (0-1) vs. 56. Rile1 (0-1)
The cookie monster should win, oreo can drop some nice lines. Rile1 hasn’t really done anything that I’ve seen that makes me want to pick him as the winner.

57. Illist (0-1) vs. 58. Big_O (1-3)
After the homosexual punch Big_O dropped last week, I don’t know if he’ll even show this week. Illist should breeze through this battle with no effort at all, or maybe Big_O purposely dropped ass to throw people off.

59. Diligence (0-2) vs. 60. Common (0-3) vs. 61. eFFex (0-3)
Last week eFFex didn’t show, and Diligence dropped an ass punch. Common is very inconsistent, and for me doesn’t try a lot. But he can bring a decent punch when he wants to, so I can see him taking this if he shows and doesn’t act like a moron with some ass shit. Coming in second place, I would say that Diligence will take that spot and eFFex more than likely won’t show.
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