Thread: Corrupted Minds
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Old 10-26-05, 09:29 AM   #1
13th.'s Avatar
Posts: 4,190
From: U.K
Corrupted Minds


Corrupted Minds

The constant thump in my temple awakes me to fifth sense
A rise to a long and white room with the burning of incense
Suddenly look at my legs...dressed in a white, pressed robe
Try moving but it's like I'm strapped to a table with fresh rope
I guess what is a few hours later....... blurred my own vision
The pure precision of what I know was a tranquilizer incision
Now in a 4 wall room for what I record was 3 days when I break
Haven’t even eaten, I just sit and wait as my brain degenerates
As the side of the sealed metal door opens with a ray of light
Grim voice speaks telling me to go to hall, I guess as an invite
Rows of brain-dead people awaiting the message from captain
I await my fate but eagerly look for ways of escape, trapped in
He talks with a soft voice, with ideas that linger in one's mind
Ideas intertwined with my mine, thoughts now gone or refined
The letters along the membranes pumping blood into the brain
Reversed and flipped into messages for our own mouths to say
Last thought prevails,I see his face go blank, under his own spell
Upon his own idea’s he dwelled, stand and watch his soul rebel
Now an uncontrollable force which not the one himself can handle
Falls to the floor, no wicker in his eyes, blown out like a candle

*i'll post links in a second
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