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Old 10-26-05, 12:41 PM   #1
G Deuce
Artist, that simple
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Posts: 1,545
From: The Underworld
Yo My New Audio Equipment and more


Yea, first i want to make an appology to Implicit of my track taking so long. I was waiting to get a new mic in, but this is what happened.......

I bought my new mic yestaurday, pretty cheap dynamic mic for 30 dollars. Yea I'm broke, but shit, its better than that computer mic i was usin. ANywayz, i get back to the dorm and me and soulquest are getting ready to record when they guy who was supposed to let us borrow his mic stand wasnt in the dorm building. SOooo, as an mc that had a thirst for recording, i go down the hall and ask a bunch of white people, who i never talked to an a day in my life to see if they have a mic stand. Turns out, the guy who has a mic stand has a complete setup of audio equipment in his room, since his major is audio production. Then, a friend of his thats two doors down from me turns out to be one of the best turntable mixers i have ever heard in my entire life. Well, as the story goes, they were lookin for mcs to get together with, and we were lookin for a produciton crew. So there you have it, we are now bringing all of our talents together to try to begin an audio crew at my college. Tight shit.............
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