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Old 10-29-05, 08:30 AM   #17
Ms. Get Gully
Ms. Get Gully
Posts: 1,631
From: Fl

Originally Posted by C.A.L.I
ok so ive been gone awhile and i come back to see r.v has fallen to a new level of gayness called perfect records................. fake records are not cool that show your actually a herb who thinks winning on r.v makes you cool.i will give a few examples

red bull i beat him but hes now 25-0 without resetting his record

spektikul i also beat him but now hes undefeated as well.

very gay very very very gay even gayer then tha q is

nos i know he had 2 losses now thier gone

and many others now it was cool when people just got better and showed what theyve really done.memisis was like 40-0 or some shit and i thought he was wack until i actually battled him and the kid came hard as fuck.seriously what does a net record mean?is it that fucking important that you gotta fake jacks and cheat to win?i reset my record twice which would make me 118-29 overall i been beaten plenty of times and ive beaten some good kids as well but who cares?be yourself and win your battles stop fucking cheating and pming strobe to take losses off your record when the other person doesnt agree to it now im 60-19 when i should be 62-18.seriously gay.this is a message to r.v to actually elevate and stop fronting.discuss...........

shut the fuck up. your garbage..your gay..your fat. your ugly..and your old..what more could possibly be wrong with you??..
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