Thread: Heaven & Hell.
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Old 10-30-05, 11:31 AM   #1
La Cosa Nostra
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From: Gaza Strip
Heaven & Hell.


I have recently come to some realisations I'd like to share or, if anything, just write them down somewhere so I dont forget them.

They concearn the question, "What is heaven & hell?"

Religion tells us they are the places we go after death, heaven is ofcoursed governed by god & hell governed by 'satan'.. However, these are not physical realms. I believe them to be the two opposing sides to our equilibrium of life.

Basically the most fundemental factor of our existance, is the age old war between good and evil. Every situation we face in life is a test of our reactions. I believe, hell and heaven, as with most things involved in religion and spiritual study are metaphoric, not only relating to our afterlife. But what will become of our world when the equilibrium is inevidibly weighted more heavily in one direction.

And we see this happening every day..
Each millenium is a cycle, much like each century, decade, year, month, week etc. At the beginning of our previous milenium, human civilisation was extremily reliant on religion that stemmed back into the millenium before that. And for the first 400-500 years (1000 to 1500), the average human being's outlook on life was entirly at the mercy of the teachings of the church. After this period, cracks began to form as the church grew too overwhealmed with power.

To cut a long story short. Over the last 400-500 years (1500 to 2000), man has no longer allowed the teachings of the church to constrict his thirst for knowledge. We have become more interested in manipulating the world and its resources to benefit our way of life. While religion is still prevelant in our culture, we have lost our need for learning about the real connundrums of our existance. That is, "What is the meaning of life?".

I'll tell you this. The meaning of life can only be understood if you know how the world actually works from a spiritual perspective. Forget what you know to be literal, because while science can explain the actions and reactions of how things work, when you roll back to the beginning of time itself. It cannot explain why they came to be.

Heaven and hell metaphorically represent good and evil. And the way we act in life determines whether our future will exist in heaven or hell. Essentually the meaning of life is a test of how we react to it. A test of which side of the pendulum we will inevidibly end up.

Humans are growing restless with our secular level of understanding towards our existance. This is why in the comming age, just like the last one, we will seek a new inspiration. The next age will be one of new spiritual understanding.

But as time has proven in the past. Things will get bad before they get good.

If you dont understand what I'm saying... Dont worry... Because I've more or less just made a summary of about 20 pages worth of information into a few paragraphs. I dont expect many on this site to comphrehend much of this anyway... Like I said, if anything I'm just wriitng this so I have somewhere to store it.

If you do have any questions or comments relating to this, I'd be happy to discuss them with you.......
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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