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Old 10-30-05, 04:30 PM   #5
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by E.C
oo.. i see my post got deleted lol..

right ill type it out agen..

it sounds pretty ill.. but we've been sepertated into 3/4 groups and u only need 2 groupe from each team to do a tack each..

so what are the other 1/2 groups gonna do?

I was hoping you'd ask it agian. There is supposed to be only 2 Squads per Team for this event. No more, no less. Both squads must spit tracks. Every member of both squads must be heard rhyming for at least 2 bars and of course both squads must drop ONE track, making the total tracks per team 2. You guys can execute this any way you'd like. I know the rules may seem vague sometimes, but it's not because we're trying to trick anyone, but because ther's so many different ways to complete this objective.
duz that mean, like, 2 mc's both rappin at tha same time? like tha 2nd mc startin b4 tha 1st 1 finishes? lol, werd

No, it means that one person can't be on more than 1 squad.
BTW, Whats the track about?
just boastin?
if so, then thats whats up

There no prescribed topic in this round. You guys spit about what ever you want to spit about.
so like if our team has like 4 groups. only TWO have to produce a song? and the other 2 don't?

Answered above in regard to EC's post.

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