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Old 10-31-05, 01:47 AM   #6
Blay'all's Avatar
Posts: 8,581
From: North Carolina

Originally Posted by Apexx
K'Nuck, you're talking about something a little different.

OMB, sites? I'm about the ads you see on most sites, like myspace and crap liek that. You see em everywhere, "find any way at all to click on this link and you win something!!" type of ads. They ask you to enter your home adress and all that shit I'm like "I dunno about this shit, I've lived fine without a PSP and never had to give my info out".

oh, nah... haha you arent gonna just have to put in your address and get a free PSP, most of them will probably end up making you complete an offer with another website or 2 in order to complete the offer, so it is technically free from THEM.
"Motherfuck a struggle, lets dance in the rain"

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