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Old 11-01-05, 06:13 PM   #12
I have a lot to learn...
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From: Life.

Originally Posted by L. Veracity

to me what it comes down to is definition faith is "the belief in things unseen" and you can either have faith in another "man"s theory or put your Faith in God...personally I wouldn't put mine in someone that started out ust like me cuz he could be wrong just like "I" could be wrong...I depend on no man for my eternal well-being

that's basically like bowing down and praying to the Pope who came out of his mother's womb the same as you and I...nothing about him is special besides the position ANOTHER mere man has given appointed him to

If you have faith in God, why not UFOs or bigfoot? There are eyewitness accounts of them, just like there are eyewitness acounts of jesus living and being God. The eywitness accounts in the bible are 2000+ years old. The eyewitness accounts of UFOs and bigfoot are recent and often accompanied by photographs of the phenomena. How is faith in God different to believing these things, that actually have MORE evidence supporting them? You might say "UFOs and Bigfoot are illogical.. how could they exist, its stupid." .. Christianity is also illogical.

err... and in case you didnt know, every religious scripture that exists was written by "man".
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