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Old 11-02-05, 07:00 PM   #55
New Meth0d
Bow Chicka Bow Wow
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Posts: 4,852

crazy hades your not very smart are you.

our currency is more valuble than yours, it is worth more... therefore it makes our country richer than yours. we donate more money, i.e. the tsunami in asia ect.

also did you know that your "special forces" are trained by the british, or by somebody who has been trained by the british and knows ALL the methods used and created by (beleive it or not) THE BRITISH. not true, since back in revolutionary days solider ans special forces have been taught by the scottish, yes a few british...but our generals, and military leaders own and have owned yours

you have a bigger army, but our country has better weapons and better trained soldiers. how can you say've never dropped the a-bomb in a war...even if you do have better weapons but your country is too pussy to use them

also you act like america owns the world when infact the world owns america.

lemme break it down.

put in simple straight forward terms, the world owns america, simply because, without europe america's trade would be non-existent, but yet if america didnt exist, the rest of the world would still survive with the trade that would exist. wrong-o

too many companies from cars, to clothes, to computers, to games, to toys the list endless, all originate from europe(also comes from asia). i will give you cars, but i see you faggot ass uk kids wearing sean - john and g-unit and imitdating jack ass videos...what are your games cricket? we have fuckin football.....and computers lets see bill gates and fuckin steven jobs, whos the multibillonare in the uk capitalizing off of software and comp sales?....and we owned the fuck outta japan and then built them up ten times better, thats why all the good electronics come from we were there military for a while..PLUS our teeth arent as fucked up as yours!

i could continue to school you but i beleive your ignorance will conjour up some other lame ARSE excuse that is a hundred million miles away from the truth as to why ur country is so "great"

but people like me who back they words with FACTS jus continue to prove ur stupidity
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