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Old 11-02-05, 07:28 PM   #57
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

scotland = part of britain smart arse(britain being england, wales and scotland).... n the ppl who mostly wear sean john n shit like that are actually few and far between compared to how many wear clothes made by companies from europe..... we have people like richard branson.

as for sorts we have football(or soccer as u call it), rugby, cricket, ice hockey, basketball n then all the other types of shit that tends to come up in the olympics, n boxing e.t.c all countries basically have the same sports... by games im talkin comp games and board games smart arse....

and for the comment about britain not being part of europe.

technically yes..... but our country is apart of the EU(European Union) which deals mainly with trades e.t.c in the selected countries which are apart of the EU so our trade still effects the trade with europe. smart arse.

and for the teeth comment... oh my lord your so original, kinda like ur lame raps ... but the funny thing is, brushing your teeth too much does more damage than good...... you wouldnt beleive how many cases of bad teeth there are in america because people brush too much... ur teeth have a protective layer on them n brushing too much and/or too hard removes this and makes your teeth extremely easy to damage.... just cos teeth look good, does not mean your teeth are healthier.

and your country makes people pay for medical treatment they need and prices it stupidly.... our country gives free health care with the NHS... so i know if i have an accident n need surgery, i can get it and not be hit with hefty costs, where as over in ur shit hole, nuttin comes for free.
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