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Old 11-02-05, 08:12 PM   #5
Black Queen
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Posts: 1,183

ok since u in a rush i keystyled dis jus to hurry it up......

Down to run..and stomp you, no way you can stop me
Dist is out on a limb.. give em a leg up and I chopped three
See.. theres a reason I didnt mention your full name in the thread
Nobody would care afterewards, kid all the fames in your head
The only 'crown' you'll be rocking is when I 'fuck up your dental'
When I run you through the drill, like lapsed jews I won't 'be gentle'!!
You got less chance of a warm reception than tony blair's next election
Because you couldn't 'come with guts' if you were a 'cesarian section'!!
I'll watch your 'thoughts process' coz my blenders a brain shredder
Dude thinks he got some bling coz he once started a 'chain' letter
You at the same stage in puberty as ya are in the hip hop community
you 'getting lost in this Murk' bitch, consider it a 'mist' opportunity