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Old 11-03-05, 04:23 AM   #66
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

i never said europe was a country, but americans act like they are superior to everybody when its far from true.

i mean sepretism still exists in a rediculously big way in your country n people still think in that "whites live here, blacks live there, latino live here e.t.c e.t.c" for starters, then theres the fags who run your country, clinton who gets caught cheatin n makes ur country look stupid, then bush who is the worlds biggest ever fuck up and u all still voted him back into power, i mean are yall really that dumb??? then theres the amount of un-healthy eating, your country has the highest percentage of fat people(thats worked out on percentage of a countries population) and un-healthy eating.

as for mimesis.... are you sure you want to say ur special forces arent trained by brits and/or people who are were, and still use the training methods e.t.c of the british??? concidering i have friends in the army and my mates uncle works for scotland yard, i get to know these things..... as much as u may beleive USA owns alot, infact it doesnt, it only owns the states in its country... lol @ u saving us... world war???? WOW but concidering it was us fighting more than one country why you acting like we weren't out numbered??? and who was it that wanted our help to go to war with ONE country??? yeah, i rest my case, oh and where was the blame pointed for the friendly fire incidents??? oh no, AMERICAN troops.... cos they so fuckin retarded.

my mates jus got back from iraq and he curses american troops like mad, he told exactly how useless they actually are.... so go and try point out the inacuracies, all ur doin is showing ur stupidity
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