Thread: Stomping it
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Old 11-03-05, 08:26 AM   #1
Light Weight
Posts: 345
Stomping it


Stomping it

Stay in disputes when I play and kiss cutes so boo where
Your man at, lets plan that date name the time I’ll be there //
Sweaty and rattled because I’m ready for battle and ride
In a steady saddle like the lone Ranger, strong danger yall hide//
Fix computers with six shooters kill the mousse, thrill
The house and smash the screen got rash make me mean and I’ll
Tote guns and promote tons of peace like the Geneva Convention
Evil in dimensions// in December hired a secretary a member fired
From the military had rigorous friction for her religious conviction desired
To retire and couldn’t, military dread the lost but now she works
At Red Cross // soar uniquely and more completely like birds in flight
Words ignite spaceships and like to grab waist and hips of girls at night//
It mad in a sense plus sad and dense how stupidity adds strength to
Wackiness best stay armed with statistics and facts and convince crew
To do ballistic acts on amateurs, guzzles wine and it puzzles my mind
Drunk and confuse as a chump on booze should wear muzzles on my asinine
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