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Old 11-03-05, 09:07 AM   #15
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

i dnt see many doin intros, it can work but can also fuck up...

me when i perform i usually get introduced, n when i go on stage i sort of bounce on my toes like a boxer, show the cried im ready to rip, n the first thing allways say is "whats happenin *city name* make sum noise you cunts" n jump into the first song.... then after the first song, i talk, depends if i been there before or not as to wether i introduce myself, i usually do anyway for ppl who havent seen me before, so ill be like "so how you doin tonight??? yeah, sum1 of u may know of me allready, sum of u wont, so for those who dont, my names leady, this is my man yezza *yezza says sup* n this is my DJ jabbathakut, say hello to the ppl jabba..." thats when he scratches n cuts up a sample of sum1 sayin hello motherfuckers, n then we introduce the next song n kick into it...... thats how i do the beginning of my set anyway but every1 has they own methods.... jus practice n see what u feel works best for u
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