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Old 11-04-05, 09:59 PM   #32
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Oh wow, he's going to make an audio diss to someone who doesn't do audio. Sure proves a lot.

Make a...topical diss. It's funny how you say we don't have lives, then you go write an essay about how we 'need to get lives' and shit like that. Guess what, if we don't have lives, it's not that much of an insult if you say we don't have lives. If I said 'fag' or 'you don't have a life' you wouldn't be offended. Oh wait, Mr. E-thug would say 'i'd beat the shit out of you'. Lmao at him saying we're talking shit when he's the one spilling all this garbage.
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