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Old 11-04-05, 10:01 PM   #33
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

And...get my 'cake' up?

RV has way too many e-gangsters that come here posting about how they're 'going to do something while we type away at our computers'. Oh, he's going to go out and smoke crack with his dope-dealing friends who are going to end up with 10-20 in a minimum security jailhouse. Keep talking all about how ghetto you are, we don't give a shit.

And lmao at your hypocritical say you don't care about us, then you say 'j-five is back', meaning you've returned from not being here, so you must care if you returned...there's no reasoning with these little hotheaded assholes who think they're all that, then say we think we're all big and bad when he's the guy talking shit. Reminds me of the stupid bitch in my fifth period who keeps speaking up and saying all this stupid random shit to try and make a point and ends up babbling like a dumbass and wasting 20 minutes of class, then one someone else talks she goes 'shut up so we can continue'.

She also says 'was I talking to you?' when someone proves her wrong, which is one of the stupidest things you can say, because if someone didn't talk to someone, there would be no conversations in the world...what a fucking tool...
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