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Old 11-08-05, 08:19 AM   #13
Insane in the textbrain
Vaskez's Avatar
Posts: 833

No hate to fraud but I still don't get why he's getting mad props on this:

This dyke is a whore, His best punches are just lines that are forced
This kid's pathetic... 'Like Chess', He'll spends 'knights on the board'!!

Like I said, I don't see how the wordplay works both ways. YES I GET THAT he's saying his opponent has no life i.e. spends whole nights on RV, but why is it like chess?? To "spend knights (i.e. chess pieces) on the chess board HAS NO MEANING. You don't spend pieces you PLAY them.
Fee Fi Fo Fum, now bitch I'm a giant
And your ass is like Jack, but your magic beans is wack
Skills is what you lack
I'm like a Benz, you ain't even like a Cadillac
Ya more like a Reagal
I'm a pittbull and you's a beagel