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Old 11-08-05, 12:04 PM   #28
Ryan Hughes
the real man of steel
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Posts: 3,165
From: Jerzy

Voted For: Tie-D

This guys frantic mind fights for possession
Magnifying the power, I'm teaching you a lesson
^^^THis was ight
Never the less being obsessed by a delusion
This is what happens when you fuse sinnister illusion
Your lyrics deluted, your thoughts seem clueless
Your mind abused, and you dont speak fluent
^^^No weak attempt for a diss
Your eyes decide this wrongful right
Is there still time to save your worthless life
Do you have what it takes to change your narrow mind
Forget the past you imitate quit layering the lies
One layer upon the other your gonna die inside
^^^Nuthin special...ight i guess closer..

14 wins, tht record was built up on noobs
8 battles against anyone half good and you lose
^^^No....weak oopener
Avvy’s a pic of the joker cos that’s wat you are
Im a joker too, watch…………’ll go far!
^^^Ight personal
Holding his head up gallantly walking the road
I bring the talent tht squashes u like a toad
^^^No....that was a weak punch
The Chrymies see ya record and make u a hot tip
I see your ability, you steam like a pile of hot shit
^^^Ight at least ur dissin him
Has the CS leader lost his mind there?
Signing u, a good investment, but then so is a time share..??
Your sixteen kidd, you need to grow up
Or get some real friends, ur only one now has to be blown up
The only thing I know of that’s really sinister
Is the fact that your palms are covered in blisters
^^^solid line....
wen u here no one will kiss ya,
wen you gone no one will miss ya
you cant leave your house cos someone will hit ya
that’s wat happens wen ya parents are brother and sister
^^^Good CLoser

V/tie-d......this was a weak battle......sinnister u need to get some punchs an personals u need to diss him consistently....ur lines are weak no hate work on that....Tie u came ight u had some played lines but u had some lines that dissed him....U get the win...RTF or this vote will be removed.......