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Old 11-08-05, 01:45 PM   #353
Banned: Biting
Posts: 806

just something on my mind.......

have you ever tryed to be something you not reguardless of the situation
where people you love is making a new turn like wrong directions
and everything you say dont go in u'r direction
but you keep insistenting u'r perfection
see most dont understand my agression with this perfesion
maybe if i aint make records you wouldnt have to question
weather im good or not, do i have punches or spit alot
how many people you know smoke just cuz they holding pot?
not many, but for any im here to deal with the same type of pressure
fuck the lectures, i've seen my best man fall and carryed in a strecher
how many of you can voauch the same,
my brain wave sound like rain, pushing me in a pool of pain
dragg'in box'es and asking cop's if,
they caough him, do they got any leads...,
then doc mention the blood leak is impossible to stop-it
NOOOOOOO.... you better stop the bleeding
seening him in hes last moments...*hey its me FRAUD*
the one who is more need then the one whos leaving..
plez dont go, the happy days wont come if ya soul lift
cry'in my eye's out, i cant even think the same now when i smoke piff
fuck this life and what it has instored, cuz it aint good for me
my best man gone, and not even this verse he can read
the shit so deep i might as-well move in the earth core
and these be my last day, danm now a new birth was born
its seems my sad-days has a night-light on it
cuz now my baby-girl needs me and daddy will def be on it,
so i'll hold it down like my man would, and i understand its good
cuz now you in peace, looking down at me smileing while im buring some wood.....
and now my soul a bit good.............................................. .................................................. ...., GOD BLESS THE DEAD FOR THOSE WHO LOST SOMEONE CLOSE....
i can feel you still MY NIGGA!! R.I.P......