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Old 11-11-05, 09:57 AM   #1
Coming to Kill you All
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Your Thoughts on vegetarians


Yeah,so what are your thoughts on vegetarians?

First off,a lot of religions..such as Hinduism,Buddish,and Seventh-day Adventist Church all promote the vegetarian life.The motives go way beyond just "health" issues.They believe it helps in a spiritual way,stimulating pure thoughs and bringing the person closer to God.Also claiming that all creatures deserve some sort of respect,be it animal or human.

1-Leftover, stale, overripe, spoiled or other impure food- negative emotions, such as anger, jealousy and greed.

2-meat, eggs, fish, spices, onions, garlic, hot peppers, pickles and other pungent or spicy foods.-strong emotional qualities, passions and restlessness in the mind

3-fruits, nuts, whole grains and vegetables-produce calmness and nobility, or what is known as an "increase in one's magnetism."

One of the famous sayings in my religion(hinduism) goes..

"Drink milk,or yogurt,eat fruits and nuts.They generate constructive,virtuous,spiritual thoughts"

A lot of people,including myself,tend to come into the vegetarian way of things from birth,and having religous fathers.

Reason that people aviod the vegetarian lifestyle
-Health deficiencies
But the the whole thing about vegetarians being weaker is all just a myth.Vegetables, fruits and nuts,when taken suffeciently, all contain the neccesarry vitamins needed to ensure a good health.In fact,vegetarians actually have an advantage over meat eaters.Just take a look below.\/\/

Food is easier to digest, provides a wider ranger of nutrients and requires less effort to purify the body from its wastes.
Vegetarians' immune systems are stronger, their skin is less flawed and their bodies are more pure and refined.
Finally, because meat is expensive compared to fruits, vegetables, etc., a vegetarian diet can also have financial benefits for low-income populations.

And it is possible to gain muscle mass while being a vegetarian.I,15 years old,can say that I'm 5'9,168 pounds...and can boast a capability of 40 push-ups on a regular basis,while being a vegetarian.
So bassically,not every vegetarian looks like Gandhi.

-Society's pressure
Another reason for people demeaning the vegetarian lifestyle,is due to society.Even I can admit,that I have gotten awkward looks in the cafeteria in school for taking that cold,stale peanut butter and jelly sandwich over that big,juicy hamburger.But,society's pressure is one of the things that an individual needs to learn to ignore.

So,yea...that's all I got to say..

This the website I got most my information from.
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