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Old 11-11-05, 09:48 PM   #14
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Daubs
I dont believe in god...but i have a heart.

To think that a few days before i was sat in her living room having a laugh and a joke with her, not realising its the last time i'd ever see her. That fuckin hurt, hurt a lot.

And thats from a human perspective, not a spiritual.

Im saying if there was a god he just wouldnt do what i posted in my last post,

Il stick to the scientific route and random chaos, but i do respect your oppinion.

Im just arguing from a christian perspective, I havent actually posted my opinion.

You have to think deeper. You cant just say "its from a human perspective" or you care because you "have a heart." Morals and ethics are a complex issue.

You felt hurt because of your nature, and your environment. What we get hurt by or do, cannot disprove the existence of God. Say a kid was put into a room, never to have contact with another human being. People watched him through reverse mirrors, but he could not see the people. He was fed and looked after by a big robotic arm. He grew up. 20 years old, never learning a word of english, never being taught anything.

Now, do you think it would bother him in the slightest, if they brought his mother into the room and got the robotic arm to kill her in front of him? He would probably be happy and feel like the arm saved him. What if at the start of the whole thing they placed an explosive inside the robotic arm, and when he was 20, they blew it up in front of him. He would be devastated.. the only friend he had didnt work anymore. Or what if a scientist came into the room and broke the arm? The boy would probably try to kill the scientist.

But where did these emotions come from? He has never been exposed to anything. If emotions and ethics are not learnt through human experience, where do they come from? And you cant say "insticts" or its just "human nature," because those are human born terms, and mean the same thing as emotions and ethics if you use them in that sense. And where did the insticts come from? The fact that we are born, and therefore have the right to live, so we wish to protect it? Its also a fact that people die inevitably... So we have the right to die. It doesnt matter when. Your friend would have died later in life. You can't exercise your right to live, and your right to die at the same time.
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