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Old 11-15-05, 09:06 AM   #31
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 102

okay first off fraud you shouldnt be allowed to vote even though you are in the league for one... last week your vote aginst common was stupid kids shit was self glorfication and now this week you call 9ths a filler because it had a question mark at the end...a re you stupid kid... damn mabye i should write out a 10 page essay on how to vote and what to look for when voting so your fucking simple mind can comprehend everything thats going on around you... but yeah now to the vote...

9th yours was good... had some wit to it but didnt hit all that hard...

Narc- yours wasnt good at all... was stretched as fuck.... you didnt really punch him kinda just stated a fact and it aint hit him... so yeah


you can take this vote away if you want mem since i aint in til next week but yeah just thought i would base my opnion