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Old 11-16-05, 11:19 PM   #15
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,124

i listened to some of ur other songs, n ur actually elevatin far as flow/delivery/lyrics go
i hate to say it tho, but i dont think many people are gonna be able overlook ur voice, it makes shit hard to understand, n just sounds weird
no reason u should give up tho, maybe you can find some audio editing effect that will work on it, or find a better way to rap on ur tracks
i dont want to give u 2 much hope, honestly i dont think that rapping is gonna be ur thing, but if u wanna keep at it u should try to change ur weakness (the voice) into a strength... everything that makes u sound different from everyone else has the potential to stick out n ruin ur tracks, or to become some dope unique shit

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