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Old 11-17-05, 09:52 AM   #24
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

Originally Posted by theblob
people are entitled to their opinions...but an informed one...Neither you nor Status have heard the final product, so you're just blowin smoke if anything...

I had this convo with duke on AIM...Speats obviously was feelin my shit...he has that right

would I rate it as high as he did? NO.

But, that doesn't detract from the fact that it's good music and he, as well as others, were/are feeling it.

Now, as for your comments on my flow/lyrics or whatever, I'm not going to compare myself to you and say most people would say my flow is better. That's irrelevant. I respect what you have to say leady, but you ARE NOT the gold standard by which others must be judged either. If you don't like something, you don't like it. Fine. But, why down talk someone else when especially you haven't even heard the final product from start to completion as they have?

c'mon dawg

P.S. I don't agree with your assessment on my style...But, dat's ur opinion...I happen to think my delivery is the weakest part of my rap game...yes...but, my flow is generally good and not only do I think so, but most people on this site and elsewhere. I've gotten critique elsewhere dawg and it's the same thing. So, again, I pose the question, is there a WOLRD-WIDE conspiracy to butter Q up, or could it simply be that I'm not a bad emcee?


i haent heard the final product, but ive heard most of the songs as i know youve posted alot of them up.... and your style is your style, i never mentioned your style, i said ur flow and lyrics need to be more consistant, as for the comment on ppl complimenting your flow... as far as RV goes, i wouldnt take there opinions for shit, first off, alot of people here dont have a clue what they are talking about, and secondly alot of people here judge music on there view of the person.... and as for the net in general, netcees have a general style they like and certain things they look for that will never work in the real world, thats something i learned from experience, now what it comes down to is, this mans doing shit i aint, so im going to convince them they doing this right or that right, and they compliment things that in the real world people will pull you on, again ive learned that from experience... you have potential for definate, and your determination tells me eventually you will get somewhere, but there is still things you need to work on to define you from the next man more, not tryna put you down, im just being real
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