Thread: Report A Mod
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Old 11-21-05, 11:39 PM   #15
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Originally Posted by Garth Algar
Cdusit your just all over ysdat's nuts... he is a horibale mod and everyone knows it along with memesis due to the factr that he picks faviorates in his league and everything and fucks around to much in the LL

Tell me how I pick favorites in my league. Look at the stats. Your record was 2-4 and you expect me to rank you above the people who are 0-0? Their record is better then yours. I do my fucking best with the rankings of everybody else. There have been times when over 60 people have been signed in, with all different records. I make judgement calls on who I think should be where. It's not favorites just because you've lost in the league.

And explain "fucks around too much in LL." If you're going to try and slander me like that, at least come with a decent complaint.. only so I can come and explain and totally own any arguement you present, because I haven't been biased. I don't like some people, sure. I don't screw people out of shit they deserve, or shit that would be considered fine for everybody else, though.

Don't come at me with that bullshit.
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