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Old 11-22-05, 02:15 PM   #7
Banned: Biting
icy-hot's Avatar
Posts: 1,098

vote: dex

are you making up for something wiv tha size of ya shwing?
midget-dicked idiots Cmmonly use alias' wen they no they cant win

if thats hes alias then its a good personal/punch set up was kinda weak thou...
dex aka cmmon aka tie-d danm..... how many alias you got in this tourney??

This kids a dork.. Seen all the harry potter clips
But yet you...
Couldnt get ya girl to get that zipper un zipped

sorry even thou it was a personal it wasnt good, was a direct attack that slap-him insted of hit so basicly i thought you had a weak punch/personal.....