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Old 11-23-05, 04:38 AM   #29
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

Originally Posted by Will S.Unyu
wooow, Im sure you have TONS of experience with females, leady. But in all honesty, you never know.
Some niggas thats lame as hell, you know them funny lookin niggas, they be hangin around mass hoes, and gettin on too.
But niggas like me, I dont hang around hoes, cos they know, I want to fuck. I got maybe 4 or 5 female friends, but toherwise that, I fuck them, keep they number, and call them, and fuck them again.
Im not a player, I just crush alot.

no i dont have a majour education, i didnt spend much time in school, ill be the first to admit it, witty?? lmfao im wittier than you will ever be, ive come across plenty of girls that are like, if u dont do shit for other people or even animals or whatever out of the kindness of your heart, they aint even gonna look at you.... i remember this one girl, fine as fuck, i mean eeeeeeeeeeeverybody wanted her, but noooooooooooooooooooobody could get a look in, n then i seen her doing some volunteer work, so i joined up, n got talkin to her, got the digits, hung out a few times, we aint fuck or nuthin but yeah, it just goes to show, some girls know what they want in a man, and there will be times that you need to do what it takes to get somewhere...... and if she asked u why your there(in the club) and you deny telling her your there to sell coke to rich dumb college kids, thats concidered a lie, because you need to answer the question n if u dnt tell the truth, u obviously tell a lie.
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