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Old 11-23-05, 07:45 AM   #15
Black Poet
Posts: 1,474
From: London

Voted For: blisss

T verse was very basic, didnt have no complexity, flowed
alright at times but did lose it at others. I feel that u need
to work on your punches a lot more and work on personals
look up Bliss check his bio check some of the stuff he has
posted on the site. Try getting in his head and ripping him.

time to kill this wannabe cuz he's on my list and im'a have 2 diss bliss
because your such a fag bitch just give my ass a little kiss
^This isn't a punch **filler**^

I chop up your flows and I'm gonna murder you
you try to rap but nobody has even heard of you
^I liked this bar but again its not a punch^

your to a light weight with no skills and I'ma make u retired
shit i'll even be ur new ghost writer and allow u 2 have me hired
^Kind of got the concept but it didnt come across right
u need to think about what your writing son, it didnt flow
right as well this bar^

did that hurt you this guys a clown who weares ladies perfume
bitch im'a do what ur dad did to you and thats beat ur head wid a broom
^This isn't a punch, try using personals, it will give your
verse a lot more effect.

wow look at your score your a rookie and a pussy
you'll probably bite ur lines but my punchlines leave holes in ya tooshie
^Nice and witty the best bar u droped.. not a bad verse
but I expect alot more from u as u have been on this site
for almost two years now.

Bliss ~ to be fair and no hate on to but I read your first
bar and u won on that alone... the bar flowed well, the
punch hit hard and u used a personal. the basics of text

you're weak dude, what are you thinking, you must be confused
cause no one wants a technique...of how to fucking lose
^Ha ha nice punch and personal !! ^^ won the battle

frontin like you're hard, but your whackness is the only thing thats scary
you can call yourself sly, but i guess skill is the canary
^^Nice and wity I got the concept but u needed a little
more work on the dilivery^^

your rhymes czar whack, you're shit can't compare to mine
you're so quick to fall, and it seems to russia little more everytime
^^ ha ha this was a nice bar flowed well and witty^^

you like southpark, well i can see you as cartman, its true
cause you're probly a fat bitch, but also RV can't fucking stan you
^^ again flowed well not really a punch in my eyes try workin
on personals as well.

now enough of this bullshit, you're alot worse than you think
trust me, im not lion, this cat couldn't get any dog to chase his lynx
^^ I think I got this haha it's an alright bar nice closed flowed alright but your verse won this battle with ease..

Vote ~ Bliss