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Old 11-24-05, 05:26 AM   #11
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

yeah as a kid freddy was scary, but the reason it was scary cos it put the feeling of nightmares becoming reality into you, say freddy kruger was not released untill now, but made with todays special effects e.t.c to look more realistic, it would even be scary for aldults, cos it takes that urban legend of nightmares becoming reality unless you wake up, and it puts into reality and your brain without you knowing registers this and actually starts to make you feel like it could happen to you, thats what real horrow is.

its not about scaring people with big monsters e.t.c... its about putting the thought of the imagination into a picture and making it reality, you ever watched a horrow and walked away thinking, damn what if that shit hapens to me??? thats when you know youve watched a good horror film.
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