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Old 11-25-05, 06:45 PM   #36
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

To the dudes who were saying its ok to eat a fish because it has no nerves:

Does that mean if your dog couldnt feel pain, youd kill it and eat it, and it would be OK?

I think unless your a vegetarian for religious reasons, youre a bit of a troublesome guy. Whoa someone killed a cow, an animal bred by man, that isnt wild, and that is meant to be killed and eaten... Have a cry... People in third world countries are so hungry theyd eat a dusty dry ass bush, or a rat. And here you vegetarians are saying

"oh no. the food people in my community produced for me is not good enough. I require vegetables, and dishes made without meat... please, everyone around me please cater to my needs, as i am different and therefore superior to everyone else.. i am against the death of animals, but not against war, also known as mass-murder of humans, because killing people for your country is OK, but killing animals for the human race is wrong."

often vegetarians I meet, I dont like. I hate going out to dinner or lunch with them and shit. Theyre just such troublesome people. "umm excuse me waiter, is there meat in this meal, because im a vegetarian.. i cant eat meat." Then 10 minutes later, im still hungry as fuck, while the waiter is asking the chefs about ingredients while trying to serve 3 other tables and seat new guests. And when choosing the dinner, they have the fattest cries ive ever seen.. everyone wants to go to KFC, but "everything there has meat in it" .. then we say alright howbout mcdonalds and its "the salads there arent good" .. so we end up going to some shit place that IVE never heard of and nobody wants to go.

Chances are if youre a vegetarian i meet in real life, I dont wanna know you/be your friend.

Religious vegetarians are OK, and I actually respect them for upholding a religious ideal. But screw most other kinds of vegetarians.
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