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Old 11-26-05, 11:54 AM   #37
leave you rest'n pz's
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Posts: 4,321

i agree with what your sayin...
but arent there cows n other animals in these third world countries
you mention, but people refuse to slaughter n eat them
cuz they believe a "cows are fuckin religious icon"..
that one thing i dont much understand............
n the majority of veggies ive met are like....
meat eaters one year then break down n eat meat secretively
while sitting at home, then complain they feel sick...
dumb fucks the lot of em in my eyes...
the end
i'll play on ya consience, ya contents is complete nonsense
speak of biting, then you fucks flip everyone of my damn concepts
what the fuck, was you high..?
did you think i wouldn't recognize lines that i made
then you come up some bullshit tryna prove that im gay...!
fake fucks..move on...!
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